Friday, April 30, 2010

Can "Tribal" be used adnunct to an ethnic grouping...?

Thank you for the detailed response. I would like to reply to all, but I think it might be better to break it down into a dialogue corresponding to each of your numbered points. I also wish to thank you for the enlightenment that you are providing. My exposure to input in Afghanistan was not as comprehensive as I would have liked and you are providing me with additional information for which I am very appreciative.

1. "The question of picking and choosing between Islam and Pashtunwali is not an easy one. This is the question of entity and identity." I must confess that I had not approached this topic from the view of entity and identity. When I do it makes it much easier to understand. In the States there is a concerted effort to divorce religion from the government, often confusing the question of entity and identity. We mix the two and do not understand that distinction. This causes great consternation as too much time is spent trying to separate the two. Do you think that the term "tribal" can be used adjunct to an ethnic grouping or do we maintain tribal instincts and incorporate them into other groupings? The reason I ask, your point about how the tribal influence impacts groups extends to groups here that are based on a political belief system, specifically the subgroups we have, i.e. conservatives, liberals, extreme right wing, etc. What makes me ask is that I see close correlation in your statement "They explicitly find themselves in the quagmire of sin and guilt. They feel this is the end of the world! They do not know what will happen with their defiance, but they do not doubt of being on the right way"(although they are not referring to religion) and the statements and actions of such people here.

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